Advantages of lithium batteries for motorcycles

Lithium batteries are ultra light Low weight, ultra-lightweight
Up to 80% lighter than traditional lead/acid batteries

Lithium batteries are more powerful than lead-acid batteries More power
High inrush current, up to 50 times the battery capacity (more than triple that of lead/acid batteries)

Lithium batteries last up to 2000 charge and discharge cycles Longer lifespan
About 2000 charge and discharge cycles, compared to 300/400 for traditional batteries. Lifespan in stock: over a year (it is recommended to recharge the batteries every three months in case of prolonged shelf storage)

Lithium batteries do not pollute Respect for the environment
Eco-friendly and non-polluting batteries, they do not contain acids or heavy metals (lead, cadmium, mercury)

Lithium batteries are 100% safe Guaranteed safety
Non-combustible and non-explosive, no risk of acid leakage. Safe to use even for sports use

Lithium batteries recharge quickly Fast charging, slow self-discharge
Reduced charging times, they can withstand high currents (up to 10 times the battery capacity) and maintain the charge for a long time (reduced self-discharge)